HerosJourneyReturn offers a service that is rare in the field of addiction therapy: a simple, effective and painless way to move beyond the addiction/s that are holding you back from your authentic, liberated self.
Most addiction therapy asks you to make a sacrifice when "giving up" whatever substance or behaviour that is keeping you trapped. HerosJourneyReturn takes the opposite stance and helps you to see that slavemaster in its true light, empowering you to walk away without feeling deprived or miserable.
No more cravings, no period of black moods, and no more waiting to feel free.
Your new, authentic life awaits.
N.B. Unlike other methods, HerosJourneyReturn does not require you to cut down, or quit the substance/ behaviour before the session/s. All that is recommended is that you pay attention/ bring consciousness to your experience of the drug and/ or behaviour. What is it you that are enjoying about it?